body-breath-mind YOGA
Karin Schmid (©)
KARIN SCHMID body-breath-mind


In this podcast I talk about the YAMAS and as always you are invited to enjoy a guided Meditation with me.

Yoga is not only a physical fitness tool, but also trains your mind helping your brain build new neural pathways.  Part of practicing yogic philosophy is accepting yourself for who you are – an imperfect being – as you work toward becoming that person you hope to be.

It all starts with the Yamas and Niyamas, which offer a moral code for interacting with yourself, others and the world.

In this podcast I introduce the 5 Yamas or moral vows that the Yoga Sutras name and recommend following.

As always you are invited to enjoy the guided MEDITATION as well.

Zuletzt geändert am 23.04.22, 16:14 Uhr

Verfasst von Karin Schmid

Karin ist Psychologin, Schauspielerin und Yoga Coach. Sie hilft Menschen einen positiven Kontakt zum eigenen Körper zu finden und mehr Klarheit und Ausgleich im Leben.

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Gesendet am Mi 18. Mai 2022 / 11 Uhr