Radio FRO Konferenz Goodbye FM/AM – farewell analog TV

Birds of a Feather Meetings - Sat, 8.9. Radio-FRO - Stadtwerkstatt - Servus Clubraum
(Kirchengasse 4 A 4040 Linz)

Preparations for both of the conference’s panels are being made at two "birds of a feather" sessions. The aim is to create a relaxed setting for exchange and dialogue

10:00 - 13:00 BOF "Blackbox Technology"
14:00 - 17:00 BOF "Promoting Free Community Media"

Radio-FRO-Konferenz - Goodbye FM/AM farewell analogue TV / Digital Broadcast – Abilities, Chances, Risks for community media
So / Sun 9.9. 12:30 – 17:30 Marienstraße 8, Lecture Space Horn

Panel A – „A Say in Technical Advances“ - 12:30 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:30 Break
Panel B – Approaches to Digital Community Media of the Future 15:30 - 17:30

Panel A – „A Say in Technical Advances“ – 12:30 – 14:30

Panel A will host a discussion of the relation between democracy and the process of setting technological standards. While Information Society focuses primarily on citizens’ and consumers’ access to information, this forum of free media is spotlighting new possibilities of nurturing diversity on the media landscape, as well as the measures necessary to protect what has been achieved to date.

Franco Berardi (IT) – pioneer of free radio in Italy
Emily Druiff (UK) – networking / node London /
Golo Föllmer (DE) – University of Halle, Researcher and Organizer of Experiments in Audio/Radio Art
Reni Hofmüller (AT) – media artist and co-organizer of ETC – Eclectic TechCarnival
Hans Kleinsteuber (DE) – expert in the field of broadcast digitization
Gabriele Kotsis (AT) – 2003–2007 Head of the Austrian Computer Society and from fall 2007 vice-rector of reserch at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz.
Sebastian Loudon (AT) – Press Officer of Austria’s Broadcast andTelecommunications Regulatory Corporation (RTR)

Moderation: Michael Schweiger (AT)


Panel B – Approaches to Digital Community Media of the Future 15:30 – 17:30

What has been the experience thus far with broadcast digitization in Europe? Technological standards as well as the policies being pursued by individual countries will come under scrutiny here. Panelists will compare the measures enacted in various countries to ensure free media access for community media, and also elaborate on possible general/public funding and subsidy systems for free broadcasting and free media.

Christian Jungwirth OKTO (AT) – non-commercial free TV in Vienna
Pieter de Wit (NL) – OLON / DRM (Digital Radio Mondial) / CMFE
Mojca Plansak (SI) – independent reseracher / CMFE / media-activist
Sebastian Loudon (AT) – Press Officer of Austria’s Broadcast and Telecommunications Regulatory Corporation (RTR)
Otto Tremetzbereger (AT) – matrix e.V (experimental, non-commercial TV in Linz) / CMFE / VFRÖ
Jürgen Wutzelhofer (AT) – Vienna city councilman
Christoph Lindenmaier (CH) – radio & media expert whose involvementwith Free Radio goes back to its very inception

Moderation: Gabriele Kepplinger (AT)

Both Panels Marienstraße 8, Lecture Space Horn.

Concept: Michael Schweiger
Production: Michael Schweiger and the FRO Team
Engineering: Ing. Peter “Schnuffi” Müller
Website: Ingo Leindecker
Artwork: Stefan Fellner
Translations: Ars Electronica Editorial Team / Aileen Derieg / Michael Schweiger

Freier Rundfunk Oberösterreich GmbHKirchengasse 4A-4040 Linz
Tel. 0043 (0)732 71 72 77 -119
Fax. 0043 (0)732 71 72 77 -155


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Zuletzt geändert am 25.08.07, 00:00 Uhr

Verfasst von Michael Schweiger

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