Gesendet am Mo 06. Dez 2021 / 17 Uhr
Servus D*sign Week

A conversation with: Christoph Haag

Christoph Haag explores and creates relationships throughout design and software across different fields of visual cultures and technologies.

He understands practice as a feedback loop of using and making, transforming requirements into prerequisites and back again; technology not as an instrument for streamlined production, but as creative matter to engage with. Maybe in a spirit of artisanal nostalgia. Definitely towards questions of literacy in relation to contemporary ideas of convenience.

As a user and maker of technologies he has a particular interest in free/libre/open source methodologies, both theory and practice.


Zuletzt geändert am 06.12.21, 15:59 Uhr

Gesendet am Mo 06. Dez 2021 / 17 Uhr

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