Servus D*sign Week

in conversation with La_bekka & tumbalacasa ediciones

In conversation with Martu and Inés from the transhackfeminist collective La_bekka, and Andrea Ancira from the project tumbalacasa ediciones, about their initiatives and individual journeys. On feminist design, self-publishing, emancipation, language, translation and more.

la_bekka is a transhackfeminist collective, formerly the feminist hackerspace of Eskalera Karakola (EKKA), a transfeminist public house -formerly a squat- in the city of Madrid. We are interested in feminist digital infrastructure, self-managed and sustainable feminist servers, self-training in GNU/Linux systems administration, static web pages (Jekyll), design and layout with free software, documentation and version control tools, free and feminist licenses, energetic sustainability, security / digital protection for organizations, the creation of safe spaces on the internet. Visit us at

tumbalacasa ediciones
tumbalacasa is a journey, a companion or a ride somewhere between publishing, translation and the archive. our work performs as a practice of occupation and re-writing of the public that involves situated rehearsals of translation and memory. our publications are stagings of social relations, affections, rehearsals of critique, (counter) hegemony and collaboration, that seek to sow and cultivate thriving complicities. our aim: the contagion and co-production of meaning that commits us with others.


d*sign week – radio conversations
from November 21. – 25.
17:00 – 18:00

Moderated by Gabriela Gordillo
Sound Design: Florine Mougel
Language: English

d*sign week is a gathering dedicated to experimental and independent design practices, initiated by the local cultural platforms Potato Publishing and in collaboration with Kunstuniversität Linz, Timebased Media & Visual Communication, Radio FRO and Kulturverein zur Schießhalle.

The radio conversations of the d*sign week, propose a dialogue between the program’s contributors and special guests as a way to document, share and discuss critical perspectives. At the same time, it aims to give visibility to independent, activist and experimental projects and practitioners.

Keywords: odd interactions, interfaces, accessibility, open source, commons, feminist infrastructure, speculative design, technological appropriation, sustainability, low tech design, self-publishing, archive, diy, diwo, community, trans-disciplinary, un-disciplinary practices, translation, memory, critical design…

Zuletzt geändert am 22.11.23, 09:29 Uhr

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