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Crossing Europe Press

The Line Of Kredits going to A Blast

In this "Kino für die Ohren"-Feature we show two films about the financial crisis.
Our focus was on films showing women as protagonists. We made two interviews – one with Salome Alexi abot her movie KREDITIS LIMITI and one with Syllas Tzoumerkas and his movie A BLAST.

The Film KREDITI LIMITI is about Nino, a woman in her forties, led a comfortable life in the Soviet Union, but in modern Georgia she finds it hard to keep up with the changes.

Info about KREDITIS LIMITIS a film by Salome Alexi at Crossing Europe 2015 Homepage


A BLAST is a film by Syllas Tzoumerkas – about a women Unwilling to reconcile with a life of unreciprocated care, lost dignity, and broken-down desire to live.

Info about A BLAST a Film by Syllas Tzoumerkas at Crossing Europe 2015 Homepage


Pamela Neuwirth and Rosi Kröll are responsible for this broadcast.



Zuletzt geändert am 27.04.15, 00:00 Uhr

Verfasst von Rosvita Kröll

Kunst- und Kulturarbeit, Moderationen, Workshops zu Medienkompetenz und wertschätzende Kommunikation nach M. B. Rosenberg.

Aktivistin bei Radio FRO, maiz - Zentrum von und für Migrant*innen, Gewaltfreie Kommunikation Austria - OÖ

Ich teile mein Leben mit 2 Kindern, einem Partner, einem Hund und einer Katze und vielen weiteren Menschen, Tieren, Pflanzen, ...

"You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will no results" [Gandhi]

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