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AMRO20: Art Meets Radical Openness 2020

May 20th — 23rd / Online!

AMRO is a biennial community festival that explores and discusses new challenges between digital culture, art, everyday life, education, politics and activism. The festival is organised by the Linz based net culture initiative

Due to the circulating Covid-19 pandemic, it was not possible to organize this years edition and gathering as usual. We will miss the possibility to meet our community in the physical space and we will miss the excellent food which was always provided.

We take this as a challenge and decided to come up with a radical digital version for this years edition of our event which includes our DIY culture of setting up our own trustworthy digital environment. We will be distant but we will be social and happy to welcome you within our online event.

Our event is distributed over different independent platforms such as and radio FRO, but also several other online spaces. To check them all, go to the Festival Gateway at

Of Whirlpools and Tornadoes

The 2020 edition of the AMRO festival is characterized by reflections upon the “centripetal” and “centrifugal” dynamics of acceleration visible in contemporary society and the ways artistic practice, activism and radical thinking can engage with it.

Of Whirlpools and Tornadoes aims to provide a picture of the current social and technological movements that reflect the diverse troubles our economic and political systems are currently facing. The speed of production and consumption of new technologies is inevitably linked to the waste of natural resources, which humans exploit and use to their own only advantage without considering the equilibrium of the ecosystem.

Streaming program on Radio FRO

Wednesday, 20th May

7pm – 9:30pm: Festival Opening, Keynotes, Conversations
9:30pm – 11:59pm: Exhibition opening, Performances

Friday, 22nd and Saturday, 23rd of May

9pm – 23:59pm: Nightline

Verantwortliche/r: Programmkoordination
Sprachen: Deutsch , Englisch

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