S6 Dunkelkammer Sessions
Gesendet am So 25. Apr 2021 / 22 Uhr

Merging E-motions

Daily soundscapes of different environments in different countries and different time zones.

Merging E-motions
Aura Arreola (MX) y Samer Alkurdi (SYR)

Daily soundscapes of different environments in different countries and different time zones. The outer-inner worlds of two artists that barely know each other; just basic things, but a common situation: their transformations in a changed world. Bodies inhabiting an intimate journey through diverse states, stimulated by the powerful instant of listening to the other’s body. The connection with one other –ephemeral, fragil, present– just by the sound, becomes a recall for survival, a sauvage-delirious trance where memory, imagination and affection blur their limits. 


Zuletzt geändert am 05.02.21, 12:53 Uhr

Gesendet am So 25. Apr 2021 / 22 Uhr

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