S3 Dunkelkammer Sessions
Gesendet am So 14. Mär 2021 / 22 Uhr


“We are free echoes, we imagined that as a kind of ghost while usually echo repeats the same tone pitch but becomes more and more quiet, our task to echo each other had more freedom.”

Galia Eibenschutz (MX) / Bernadette Laimbauer (AT)

Searching for a way communication apart from the visual image but almost like telepathy, and with a common interest in the voice, Galia and Bernadette started their process by sharing voice recordings in which it was possible to hear the size of the space through echo. Then, through a sound dialogue, they became the echo of each other.

“We are free echoes, we imagined that as a kind of ghost while usually echo repeats the same tone pitch but becomes more and more quiet, our task to echo each other had more freedom.”
At the end there was the feeling that they got to know each other from their singings and that they are connected from the body.


Zuletzt geändert am 05.02.21, 12:51 Uhr

Gesendet am So 14. Mär 2021 / 22 Uhr

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