showimage4 Kopie (c) Yoojin Lee
(c) Yoojin Lee
Gesendet am Fr 13. Apr 2018 / 22 Uhr

As long as there is time to sleep

Yoojin Lee eröffnet die Ausstellung ‘As long as there is time to sleep’ im bb15 mit einer Soundperformance zum Thema Schlaf. Wir senden den Mitschnitt.

‘It started from being a night owl.’

Die koreanische Künstlerin Yoojin Lee beschäftigt sich mit Alternativen des Seins im Gegensatz zu uns vorgegebener Verhaltensweisen. Sie schläft gerne viel und spaziert durch die Nacht. Die Absolventin der Gerrit Rietveld Academie (Amsterdam) lebt zur Zeit in London.

Sleep is, naturally, incompatible with what the world of uninterrupted operation demands and promotes as an ideal norm. It is overlooked and everyday, to such a degree that it could be presented as banal and sinful. Yet this biological banality common to all living animals has an intrinsic potential. It defies being logically understood and utilized. It is a quiet, unnoticed form of resistance that happens individually but is shared in its universality. It remains as a sign of shared time, participating in the world by its mere being there. A sleeping body, a sleeping being, is vulnerable and intimate. And very present.

What does a sleeping being become against the backdrop of a world that is lit 24 hours? What does this state of repose mean when there is no time to pause? How can one exist as a sleeping thing? Can one dream of hibernation and its potentialities? What does it mean to have an asynchronous biological clock? What lullaby could one sing?

Wir senden den Mitschnitt der Eröffnungsperformance vom 10. April. Die Ausstellung ist bis 17. April zu sehen. (15:00 bis 18:00 Uhr, Samstag und Sonntag geschlossen.)

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Zuletzt geändert am 22.03.18, 13:15 Uhr

Gesendet am Fr 13. Apr 2018 / 22 Uhr

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