7d4006dc43693d468f200ce6967e44bc.jpg © Andreea Sasaran
© Andreea Sasaran
Kultur & Bildung spezial

Afropea Now!

After its first two editions in 2010 and 2012, „Treffpunkt Afrika“ is back for 2014 with this year’s festival titled „Afropea Now!“. The Festival took a place from 25 to 27 September in Linz, Austria.

At the core of the festival “Afropea Now!” was a two-day symposium accompanied by film screenigs, concerts, a workshop and an exhibition, at Stadtwerkstatt and on board of MS Schönbrunn.
Local and international artists, experts and activists were discussing aspects of African-European identities and cultural productions from various points of view. With contributions from across Europe and Africa, “Afropea Now!” has focused on the social, cultural, historical and artistic interaction of African and European cultures in a global world regardless of national boundaries.

Organized by: Stadtwerkstatt

Music: CC

Microphone: Jerneja Zavec

Zuletzt geändert am 02.10.14, 00:00 Uhr

Verfasst von Jerneja Zavec

zur Autorenseite
Gesendet am Fr 03. Okt 2014 / 17 Uhr

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