Platzhalter3 Foto: Katharina Nahtman (FdR17)
Foto: Katharina Nahtman (FdR17)
Tera FM

„Varieties of language and how to ‚cook‘ them“

„A thought-provoking and elucidating discussion on different aspects and flavours of language: from mind to body, from the movement of thought to the movement of soul - a broadcast by George Iashvili, Erasmus student at PHOÖ from Georgia

„A thought-provoking and elucidating discussion on different aspects and flavours of language: from mind to body, from the movement of thought to the movement of soul. Together with professor Niels de Jong from Pädagogische Hochschule and Justyna Czaplińska, a student from Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität we’d be discussing language-related matters and, what’s even more important, how to turn this knowledge into good pedagogical practice.
The programme is presented by a student from Pädagogische Hochschule, George Iashvili.“

Zuletzt geändert am 26.07.19, 11:10 Uhr

Verfasst von studentinnen_phooe

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Gesendet am Do 15. Aug 2019 / 15 Uhr