Gesendet am Do 12. Okt 2023 / 12 Uhr
Open Space

Mozart in Nairobi. Dialog durch Musik

The podcast “Mozart in Nairobi. Dialog durch Musik” develops some issues already explored in the short film “Mozart in Nairobi. Or something like that”, made by Carla Schwering, Veit Vergara and Julian Wipplinger and supported by “Spot on Mozart” and “The Nest” foundations. “Mozart in Nairobi” stimulates a dialogue between seemingly different worlds, while seeing […]

The podcast “Mozart in Nairobi. Dialog durch Musik” develops some issues already explored in the short film “Mozart in Nairobi. Or something like that”, made by Carla Schwering, Veit Vergara and Julian Wipplinger and supported by “Spot on Mozart” and “The Nest” foundations.

“Mozart in Nairobi” stimulates a dialogue between seemingly different worlds, while seeing music as a bridge bypassing their separation. It tells the story of a group of imprisoned women while their children are left behind in the slums or different parts of the city Nairobi/Kenya.

Der Film zum Podcast mit dem Titel „Mozart in Nairobi. Or something like that“ wird bei der diesjährigen Juvinale im Das Kino in Salzburg am 13.10.2023 Freitag Nachmittag zu sehen sein. Der Film hat sich für das Screening in der Kategorie Dokumentation um 16:30 Uhr qualifiziert und ist auch für den Wettkampf um den Juvinale-Award zugelassen.


Zuletzt geändert am 12.10.23, 12:04 Uhr

Gesendet am Do 12. Okt 2023 / 12 Uhr

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