
About Radio FRO 105.0


Radio FRO 105.0 MHz is a free, non-commercial community radio station with open access. It is located in Linz, Upper Austria, and has been broadcasting since September 1998. The radio programme is designed by around 350 volunteer radio makers who produce more than 100 radio shows in about 17 different languages (as by March 2011). 

Our focus is on information programmes by NGOs and local initiatives, multilingual radio programmes, a cultural and educational channel, broadcasts for young people as well as senior citizens and a variety of music shows.

Radio FRO 105.0 has been involved in social, cultural and artistic projects since its beginnings.

Radio FRO 105.0 is…
– open access
– participation
– noncommercial media production
– multilingualism and diversity

Possibilities of participation
– produce your own radio show
– affordable radio trainings and workshops
– become part of the editorial team

Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us. Contacts

Zuletzt geändert am 04.09.17, 15:39 Uhr

Verfasst von Michael Gams

zur Autorenseite

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