Hans J.Kleinsteuber

He is active in political sciences since the 1970s, is active as mediascientist since the 1990s and concerned with the digtialization of broadcast, especially in the field of audio broadcast, for years.
Researcher and teacher at the university of Hamburg.


The Digitalization of Audio Broadcasting via the specification Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) emerged from an alliance of politics and industry within Europe. The Main Catalyst for that was the alleged need to fend off far-east Competitors. Listeners as well as Radio – Enthusiasts, who can be be found within the scene of noncommercial Radio, have never been invited to participate at the development of this new technology. A substantial arrogance towards the radio user, led to a technical design, geared only to the technically feasible and orientated on guidelines, far away from the reality of radio. (e.g. supporting the needs of high-speed car-drivers on highways) In the meantime other standards and specifications, like DRM (Digital radio Mondial) are available, but the distribution of these specifications stagnate too. In the US, special satellite packages for motorists are succeeding. Additionally there are other ways of radio distribution, like the dissemination via internet with Cyberradio, Streaming, Podcasting and so on. All in all there is no breakthrough for digital radio, what caused radio's rollback. Any design fit for the future would need to unify all features and specifications under an easily control able surface or interface.

Zuletzt geändert am 07.09.07, 00:00 Uhr

Verfasst von Michael Schweiger

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