Participants Panel 1: European Media Policy

Challenges of European Media Policy in the Fields of Migration and Diversity

Reynald Blion (Council of Europe)

Media & Diversity Manager at the Council of Europe in the Directorate General IV Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport. Until January 2008 he was the director of the International Migration & Media programme at the Institut Panos Paris. He organised various European and national seminars, workshops and conferences on media & diversity. Reynald Blion produced or contributed to several publications. He was also the editorial and scientific director of the research project Représentativité des immigrés au sein des media.


Rui Monteiro (CMFE)

Director and Editor in chief of Indvandrer TV (multicultural TV), Radio Bazar (multicultural radio) and BUT (Children and Youth TV). Co-founder of Indvandrer TV (1997), founder of Radio Bazar (2005) and BUT (2009). Chairman of LTVS (Danisch National organisation of local TV stations and media – and film workshops), Chairman of NORDSAM (Nordic Multiethnic Media Association) and co-founder and member of the board of CMFE (Community Media Forum Europe. 




 Tom Moring (University of Helsinki)

Doctor of Political Science and professor of Communication and Journalism at the Swedish School of Social Science at the University of Helsinki. He has been active as journalist and director of programmes at the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle), Secretary General of the European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages, and in consultative position to the Council of Europe vs. the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages and the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. He is currently leading an international comparative project on bilingualism, identity and the media. His main fields of research relate to media and minorities,broadcasting, and political communication.

Hella Ranner (Member of European Parliament)

Since 2009 Member of the European Parliament

Field of work: Member in the Committee of Transport and Tourism, Substitute­Member in the Committee for Culture, Education Media and Sport



Vina Yun (Migrazine)

A Freelance writer and editor based in Vienna. She is co-editor of Austria's feminist monthly “an.schläge” ( and the online magazine “”. Among other things, her interests cover feminist and queer theories and politics as well as antiracist practices.


Zuletzt geändert am 27.07.10, 00:00 Uhr

Verfasst von Alexander Vojvoda

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